Monday, March 22, 2010

Change In America...

Although we are all at least 16 or 17 years old we have hardly seen any change in America. However, we may not have noticed, but change has been occurring. We have been in the proccess of a recession and we have seen many things happen that may not have happened during our parent's lifetime. The biggest change I've seen just today is of the passing of a bill. Wow! In my lifetime I get to see a bill be passed. I'm pretty sure you all realized I'm talking about the new Health Care Bill.

Yes! It has been passed. The steps former presidents have taken hace once again been reinforced. After much debate and arguements the bill has been passed. This new health care bill will provide health insurance for many Americans who are yet uncovered.

Now, nobody knows if this bill will actually benefit Americans or maybe the arguements are wrong and the bill is worth it. I don't know what is going to happen but I have to say that this is a huge milestone in change in America. We have been studying U.S. History and have been reading about many bills passed, some invovling health care as well, but who knew that one day now when we look back and read in a textbook about this bill we could proudly say that we were there.

Back to what I was saying about, change. We may not notice it but there is change happening. Due to the recession much has to happen for us to get back to normal and the passage of this bill is the first step. Let's just hope that this change and changes to come all benefit us.


  1. In my experience, I have seen a lot of change, even though I've only lived for almost 17 years. I've lived in two different countries, and every time I see the world change, it was usually for the worst. On the news, change is constantly being reported and most of it is destruction and violence throughout the country and the world. I think the reason why most of us aren't aware of change is because we don't watch the news as much. Sure news MIGHT be posted on Facebook or other famous sites, but it's never the same as news on the television. We don't like reading stuff that effects us but we find boring. Hopefully things do get better and change will finally go for the better

  2. Honestly I never even thought about this bill being passed as a change until now! Many changes are occuring everyday but we just do not realize it mainly because we are not as involved as we should be. Thinking about it has made me ralized that this bill being passed is very significant in history, we can proudly say that we were here when it happened, which is truly exciting. I believe that as individuals and young adults we need to be more aware of things socially, politically and economically. Our world is changing everyday and we need to see these changes.

  3. Your points are true kids don't really open their eyes enough to witness change. When I heard that this bill was passed I could not believe it many previous Presidents have tried to pass it, and failed. I think that the First African American President that made history once has made it again. I will be very proud to say that I have lived through two drastic changes in American histiry in the 16 years of my life, because when I learn about history I always wonder what the people who were living through it felt and now I know!
